Thursday, June 02, 2005

If you get a kick out of movies where Johnny Depp wears old-timey clothes, you need to see the new White Stripes video, available here. It's way cuter than the average Floria Sigismondi clip. I wish Jack's vocal was clearer but Death From Above 1979 fans should love the track.

"Blue Orchid" is the only good video I've seen in a while. Two recent videos bad enough to be endlessly entertaining are the Backstreet Boys' "Incomplete" (embellishing the anguish of their fine Evanescence ballad by taking the visuals from "Burn" and "Hero" to the next level, if not the one after that) and the Game's "Dreams" (who died and made this pathological name-dropper the savior of black culture? EVERYBODY!). I'm still baffled that people take this guy seriously. There's a reason he had to play second banana on his first two hits.

I have seen the video for part one of "Trapped In The Closet," but it's part four of this disappointingly literal translation that will be noteworthy. How exactly will he act out the leg cramp? I need that DVD now!

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