Monday, June 19, 2006

Anybody know why Buckcherry has been hovering near the bottom of the Billboard album chart's top 50, where the album debuted, for nine weeks? Never drops down, never rises, it just stays there...x number of people buy the new Buckcherry album every week. The reunion album by Buckcherry. It's creepy! Is their non-delightful new single "Crazy Bitch" in a TV ad? At least I can write off the enduring top 10 pop success of "Dani California" as some kind of embarassing digital download quirk.

1 comment:

Al said...

I'd been hearing that "Crazy Bitch" song every time I tuned into an alt-rock station for the past few weeks, thankfully not often, but I had no idea it was them. It's definitely a popular song, at least around here.